Mar 1, 2008

Date night with a baby

David and I love our kiddo so much that we consider going out to eat with him a date. It is pretty neat but we haven't been out as a couple in...months or more because I can't remember.

There's probably one good reason not to bring Caden on a date and that is the waiting time at restaurants. You can only stall a one year old so long. Plus, when you're dealing with the Cheesecake Factory you have to wait "55-70 minutes" Yeah this is a quote from the hostess. "So there's an hour wait" I said. "Um, 55-70 minutes", she replied back. Um, ok so we've got an hour to spare. whatever!!

I held onto our pager and David and Caden took off for the mall. I was so bored people watching and usually that doesn't happen, maybe it was just boring people. My guys came back and David tells me he didn't have to find anything for Caden to do because he was content following the line along the entire length of the mall floor.

We ate, we laughed and we enjoyed Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake (not my favorite, I should know better than to deviate from chocolate) at home while watching "Wayne's World". Happy Date night to us!!

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