Jun 5, 2010

Growth as measured by Piggy

When we came home from the hospital with Nolie we had to come up with something to take her monthly pictures with. Caden had a monkey, now we get a picture every year on his birthday. But with Nolie, we're tracking monthly. Above is almost birth size (upper L), 1 month (upper R) and 2 months (bottom). She sure is growing!!

Sharing secrets or kisses with that piggy. I'm not quite sure.

May 11, 2010

Nolie- Month 1

The Most Recent
Little Sleeping Beauty

Not much to say...we still haven't figured her out yet but she sure is cute and keeps us busy.

Mar 24, 2010


Coming Home

We came home Monday the 15th. Caden and Gram had made us a huge welcome home sign..it was so good to be home with our little man and new addition. Caden has been super sweet to his little sister and loves checking on her. Yay, family of 4.


Nona Leigh Bickel

Our little baby girl joined us on March 13th, 2010!!
She was 6 lbs. 14 oz.
20 1/4 inches long and super healthy
We had her at Lawrence General Hospital at 5:23 am after checking in at 1 am.
She was taking her time during the contractions but at 5 am when my water broke she came VERY quickly and only took 2 pushes. *Gross alert* David said she popped out so fast some of the nurses got shot with blood.

I was so thankful because I was totally convinced by everyone that "the 2nd baby comes faster than the first"...well, not really, but it was close. I just don't remember having any early labor with Caden.
Publish Post

Feb 26, 2010

Caden and "Baby"

So we're referring to our girl as "Owlie" because that's our theme for some of the nursery stuff. And Caden and Owlie have bonded-she is the little girl outfit he is kissing on and waking up. They watch shows together, he pushes her in the swing, takes her to the library and helps her play with her baby toys. It is all so cute....we can only hope he will be this loving with the actual baby!!

Baby Girl Coming

She's coming in less than 3 weeks. Here's how our "nursery/other half of our bedroom" is shaping up!
Caden is really helpful with our pretend baby so far.

Feb 1, 2010

Boy Genius *Brag Alert*

This is the email from the school director at the Y. If she can't wait to boast just imagine how we feel!!
Disclaimer: We don't know EXACTLY what the Peabody Picture Test is...but we're convinced it's equivalent to being a baby Einstein.

I can't wait to boast about this....Caden broke the record on his recent Peabody Picture Test this past week....he scored up to the age 19 level!!!!!

Peggy, the tester, was surprised how many musical instruments he recognized!
I also notice his social skills are starting to soar. He was fooling around with Fernando during my morning read aloud in quiet area Thursday morning. I winked at Jackie and we were both so happy to see him kabitzzing with his buddy!

The new baby will be a definite Baby Genius thanks to her big brother's role modeling!


We're so proud of him and got just as much excitement from the fact that he is kabitzzing (??) with his new found friends and buddies. This baby sister
certainly will have a great role model!

Jan 18, 2010

Christmas 2009

Picking out our treeBickel Family 2009

Playing with Nutcrackers...we saw a performance at the Boston Opera House...He loved it!
How sweet is this face?

SO far behind

I figure since I've let this go so long I might just sum up the last 1/2 a year in pictures.
Our Birthday Boy-July
First Day of Pre-School
Lookin' Crazy Handsome!! Fall 2009