Jan 16, 2008

Snow Day

Nothing better than a snow day in mid-January. We had tons of fun getting all bundled up, waddling out in the snow and packing together our first family snowman. We didn't even have to leave the deck to get our snowman underway. (Well, I did have to go inside for his face and outfit)
Caden had fun eating snow, I taught him how, then had to beg him to stop because his little

face was getting so cold. It really makes me wonder how I could have played outside in the snow as a child, I get so cold and I'm ready to go inside after 20 min. I guess the older you get the more you look at snow as a nuisance rather than an opportunity for some major fun.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Hey Bickels!
Your little one is adorable! Etch as many of these terrific memories in your mind as they tend to go quickly. Seems just like yesterday...Calvin will be 7 at the end of the week! Hope all is well with you guys! Love checking your blog to see what is going on with you.
Hugs to you all!
Brittney (Collin, Calvin, and Sam)
Remember to come visit us at www.kingalfredacademy.blogspot.com

PS If any ex Arcies are reading this...hello to you as well!